Selected media clips, sermons and other bits.
Call the Wailing Women
The Bible declares that there is a season for every activity under Heaven. This sermon from Jeremiah 9:17-21 is about the season of lament. During this time when we’re living through a pandemic, racial uprising and political crisis it’s hard not to see that this as a time for tears.
7 Things I learned in Therapy
Just thinking about starting therapy can be a little scary for some. In this video I share 7 things I learned in my own journey that might help you on yours.
The PICO California 2020 Census Campaign
The dawn of a new day in America is here. The confluence of the Covid-19 pandemic along with the centuries-old pandemic of white supremacy is shining a light on the gross, race-based inequities that have historically plagued American society. Now people across race, creed, religion, sexual orientation and ethnic origin are finally waking up…
Thank God!
Looking at my life from the outside some might think I have it all together (or at least most of the way together LOL!). But the truth is over the last few years I’ve developed a struggle with anxiety. The first time I had an episode of anxiety I swore I was losing my mind.
When it Seems Like All Hope is Gone
Rev. Ronné speaks at The Way Christian Center, Berkeley CA on what to do when it seems like the little bit of hope you had is suddenly gone.
Tips on Finding the Right Therapist for You
Rev. Ronné gives a few helpful tips on how to find the right therapist for you.
You Mad or Nah?
We have to question a faith that hardly ever wrestles with the idea of an angry Jesus and the reasons for His anger. Somehow Angry Jesus doesn’t fit the narrative necessary to help pacify the masses and maintain social order.