The PICO California 2020 Census Campaign
The dawn of a new day in America is here. The confluence of the Covid-19 pandemic along with the centuries-old pandemic of white supremacy is shining a light on the gross, race-based inequities that have historically plagued American society. Now people across race, creed, religion, sexual orientation and ethnic origin are finally waking up, raising their voices and seizing their collective power to demand this nation both live up to its’ ideal of “liberty, justice for all” and act like Black Lives Matter.
We can reach that ideal by not only standing up for justice and equality, but by standing up to be counted in the census. Why? Because when we are undercounted we’re also underrepresented by the people who create policies and enforce laws at the local, state and federal levels. Funding for schools, community centers, healthcare clinics and other services is determined by the data collected in the census. By completing the census you’re using your voice to give policymakers the information they need to allocate much-needed resources for your community so that all who live there can thrive.
The dawn of a new day is here. It’s time to wake up, stand up and raise our God-given voices to bring forth change.